Tag: Forest
Vancouver Island Wrap
I declared that last week was the penultimate post in this series, which makes this week the ultimate post, and it is. Whether it proves to be your favorite post or even your favorite ultimate post remains to be determined, but feel free to let me know in the comments regardless. The image above is…
Eden Grove
Photographing a lush forest is a lot easier in soft overcast light, but even in those conditions two basic challenges remain: finding a subject amidst all the chaos and then making an image where it is clear what that subject actually is. So when I spot a scene like the one above, I jump on…
Fairy Forest
As mentioned in last week’s post, we visited Fairy Lake twice while on Vancouver Island. After the first visit, we spent a couple hours exploring an area of forest that was adjacent to the lake. It was a small recreation area with a few campgrounds (that were closed, probably due to the season) and a…
Rhododendron(less) Park
Since Rhododendrons bloom in May and June, there weren’t any in evidence during my September morning visit to Rhododendron Park on Whidbey Island. Even so, it was a beautiful little park with scattered campgrounds. Since much of Whidbey Island is covered in small farms, this densely wooded area added some nice variety to my photographs…
Muntin Wood
There are a large number of interesting old buildings hidden along the roads near East Camden, Arkansas. Most seem to be related to munitions production, storage, and transportation during the Second World War. At some point, many of these were abandoned and are in various states of decay. There are rail sidings, loading docks, and…
Swinging Liana
I visited southern Arkansas in mid-July as summer storms were rolling through: during a short two-hour visit to Cane Creek State Park, I was continually soaked either from repeated downpours or my own sweat. If I had just been hot and drenched and uncomfortable…