Genre: Intimate Landscapes

  • Grovitas


    After three full days based in Órgiva, it was time to pivot west and drive the 150 miles or so to Ronda. Being a caravan of photographers, we stopped at a number of places along the way; so many, in fact, that I have decided to split the day into two posts. Charlie Waite clearly…

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  • Blossom Two

    Blossom Two

    The third photo day of our Andalucía trip was a repeat of the first day, at least in terms of basic itinerary: morning and afternoon visits to the almond orchards around Torvizcón. On this second attempt, however, the weather was somewhat changeable and overall I would assess the light as better. As to what constitutes…

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  • The Alhambra

    The Alhambra

    Our second full day of photography was spent at the Alhambra palaces. We started by spending about an hour at the palace of Carlos V with its beautiful two-level 360° arcade with colonnades. Fortunately it was partly cloudy, so there were some periods of harsh, direct sunlight and others of softer light—it is always nice…

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  • Blossom One

    Blossom One

    My trip to Santorini last April was my first trip with Light & Land; last month I went on my second, this time to Andalucía in southern Spain. Both trips were led by Astrid McGechan, but this second trip was also co-led by none other than Charlie Waite. The trip was extra fun because, in…

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  • Fishy Windmills

    Fishy Windmills

    After last week’s post, I decided that I would do one last Santorini post to highlight the AF-S Fisheye Nikkor 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED. The picture above was admittedly the only one in my Santorini gallery images that featured the fisheye. However, there was no other way I could have made this image successful. The fisheye…

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  • Mixed Curses

    Mixed Curses

    One of the big draws of Santorini is the amazing sunsets. Every evening, throngs of tourists crowd every vantage point around Oía to watch the sunset from high above the water, and catamarans head out on to the water for unobstructed views. While I like the image above—it is very calm and peaceful—it is a…

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  • Beauty and the Bees

    Beauty and the Bees

    I have never been to Santorini during the summer, but by all accounts it is mobbed. And hot. Early April was pleasant and, while not deserted, was not crowded, either. One nice benefit of a springtime visit was the lush fields of wildflowers all over the island. These fields gave opportunities for some more traditional…

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  • The Shapes of Santorini

    The Shapes of Santorini

    Countless domed and arched roofs grace Santorini. As there is little wood on the island, traditionally many of the buildings are constructed out of the abundant volcanic stone, which makes arched and domed roofs very practical. While the examples above are quite spare from the side shown, typically churches are adorned with crosses and bells…

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  • Sweetwater March

    Sweetwater March

    This past winter in Tucson was disappointingly mild. Certainly every winter in Tucson is mild by most measures, and not a winter at all for Minnesotans. But usually there are some respectable hard freezes and last winter it even snowed.

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  • Minneapolis Miscellany

    Minneapolis Miscellany

    I live in Arizona. Southern Arizona. Winters are mild. February is mild. In Tucson, in most years, it will get down to about 28°F. Once a decade or so it gets down to about 18°F.

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