Tag: Nikkor Z 24-120mm f/4 S

  • Sombrio Beach

    Sombrio Beach

    For the last two weeks I have been promising that the blog would go to the beach and here we are! Well…the image above doesn’t look like a beach, of course, but is right next to one: this is a petite little slot canyon carved into the beach’s cliff. (My wife reads this blog and…

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  • San Juan River

    San Juan River

    As mentioned last week, my intent is to wrap up the Vancouver Island forests this week and then move on to a couple beaches we visited. This week’s post is about a campground we visited along the San Juan River. As usual for this Vancouver trip, there was a lot to photograph and it took…

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  • Harris Creek

    Harris Creek

    One nice benefit to maintaining this blog is that it encourages me to go through all the pictures from a trip like this one to Vancouver Island and actually post-process some of them. I am particularly happy with my results for the image above. It is a blend of five separate photos, each focused at…

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  • Eden Grove

    Eden Grove

    Photographing a lush forest is a lot easier in soft overcast light, but even in those conditions two basic challenges remain: finding a subject amidst all the chaos and then making an image where it is clear what that subject actually is. So when I spot a scene like the one above, I jump on…

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  • Trunkated


    Last week I promised some very different images and I’m a little worried that the first two might not live up to that billing because they are both foresty. But the later ones will get there! I love the combination of mottled light and patchy colors on the tree trunk above. The trunk itself barely…

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  • Fairy Forest

    Fairy Forest

    As mentioned in last week’s post, we visited Fairy Lake twice while on Vancouver Island. After the first visit, we spent a couple hours exploring an area of forest that was adjacent to the lake. It was a small recreation area with a few campgrounds (that were closed, probably due to the season) and a…

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  • Victorian Light

    Victorian Light

    During our trip to Vancouver Island, my friend and I spent a late afternoon and the following morning wandering around the inner harbor area of Victoria, the capitol city of British Columbia. Being the provincial capitol, there was a parliament building, and it was stunning. The image above gives a taste of the ornateness of…

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  • Victorian Tulips

    Victorian Tulips

    As promised (more than once) I am finally beginning to post about last month’s trip to Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Before the actual photo tour began, my friend Barrett Lowe and I spent an afternoon and a morning wandering around Victoria with our cameras. Of the many things to photograph, there were tulips in…

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  • Blossom Road Reclamation

    Blossom Road Reclamation

    Every so often I undertake what I like to call a “reclamation project”. These result from not doing a good job of things in the field. They start when you are looking at your image catalog in Lightroom and you say, “I wish I had…” It has been a over a year since my trip…

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  • Another Brick in the Wall

    Another Brick in the Wall

    I like to have some kind of theme for each of my blog posts. In looking through my pictures from my meanders in downtown Parker, I decided that I had a enough images featuring brickwork that bricks got the nod. Despite the narrow-seeming theme, I think there is enough variety in the images that they…

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