Tag: Nikon 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E Fisheye

  • Sandcut Beach

    Sandcut Beach

    This is my penultimate post about the Vancouver Island trip. Next week, as is my usual practice when wrapping up a series on a big trip, will have some lens usage statistics and an assortment of stray images that I wanted to share but never found a home for in the earlier posts. This week…

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  • San Juan River

    San Juan River

    As mentioned last week, my intent is to wrap up the Vancouver Island forests this week and then move on to a couple beaches we visited. This week’s post is about a campground we visited along the San Juan River. As usual for this Vancouver trip, there was a lot to photograph and it took…

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  • Wet Feet at the Beach

    Wet Feet at the Beach

    Our group ended its first full day of photography on a beach north of Nazaré. As with every beach we visited on this trip—and there were quite a few—there were a nice variety of rocks and cliffs to photograph. I took over 50 images of the group of rocks above, trying to get different patterns…

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  • Admiralty Bay

    Admiralty Bay

    During my visit to Whidbey Island back in September, I visited the northern shore of Admiralty Bay several times. This area includes Fort Casey to the west (which I will leave for a future post of its own), a ferry terminal, and a long beach that is called Fort Casey Beach at one end and…

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  • Rhododendron(less) Park

    Rhododendron(less) Park

    Since Rhododendrons bloom in May and June, there weren’t any in evidence during my September morning visit to Rhododendron Park on Whidbey Island. Even so, it was a beautiful little park with scattered campgrounds. Since much of Whidbey Island is covered in small farms, this densely wooded area added some nice variety to my photographs…

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  • Sunset on Whidbey Island

    Sunset on Whidbey Island

    Last weekend I returned from a five-day photography workshop on Whidbey Island, Washington, which is in Puget Sound a little north of Seattle. The workshop was put on by the Pacific Northwest Art School in the town of Coupeville. For me the big draw was that Charlie Waite was the workshop leader; I had enjoyed…

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  • Andalucía Lens Usage

    Andalucía Lens Usage

    When I concluded my Santorini blog series, I wrapped things up with a tabulation of how much I used each of the lenses I brought on the trip. I have two main reasons to be interested in this data. First, I want to know whether bringing a certain lens was even worth the trouble. Second,…

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  • Floors and Ceilings

    Floors and Ceilings

    Our penultimate photography day in Andalucía was spent in Seville. And what wasn’t spent in Seville was spent driving to and from Seville. It was about two hours each way—which made for a long day—but was well worth the effort. We began with a short session with the banyan tree above. After about 20 minutes…

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  • Blossom Two

    Blossom Two

    The third photo day of our Andalucía trip was a repeat of the first day, at least in terms of basic itinerary: morning and afternoon visits to the almond orchards around Torvizcón. On this second attempt, however, the weather was somewhat changeable and overall I would assess the light as better. As to what constitutes…

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  • Fishy Windmills

    Fishy Windmills

    After last week’s post, I decided that I would do one last Santorini post to highlight the AF-S Fisheye Nikkor 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED. The picture above was admittedly the only one in my Santorini gallery images that featured the fisheye. However, there was no other way I could have made this image successful. The fisheye…

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