Tag: Nikon Z8

  • More Cherry Creek Wildlife

    More Cherry Creek Wildlife

    This post is a continuation of last week’s: last week focused on the herons of Cherry Creek State Park; this week shows off some of the other wildlife I found on my recent visits. That said, I am mixing a few things up this week. First of all, the images in this post are all…

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  • Heronsy


    A few months before we moved from Arizona to Colorado in January 2023, I decided that I finally needed to deal with digitizing my slides, which covered about 1981 until I received a D200 as a gift in 2006. I’m not sure how many slides I had, but it was a couple thousand or so…

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  • Another Brick in the Wall

    Another Brick in the Wall

    I like to have some kind of theme for each of my blog posts. In looking through my pictures from my meanders in downtown Parker, I decided that I had a enough images featuring brickwork that bricks got the nod. Despite the narrow-seeming theme, I think there is enough variety in the images that they…

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  • Old Town Parker

    Old Town Parker

    I recently started a new job and it is a true work-from-home affair. This means that I spend a lot of time in my basement office—where I am now writing this blog post. It’s a nice office, and no one wants to commute, but my previous commute was often quite beautiful: there are mountains and…

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  • Thirty Minutes at Fort Casey

    Thirty Minutes at Fort Casey

    For the Whidbey Island photography workshop, we met at Camp Casey which is largely comprised of old barracks and such. Next door—on the other side of some woods—is Fort Casey, which has old fortifications and gun batteries. At some point a few fellow workshop-goers had gone over there, but for some reason I didn’t prioritize…

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  • Coupeville


    Coupeville is in Washington, not Portugal, so as promised last week this is a post-Iberian post. During the photo workshop on Whidbey Island last fall, we made several visits to the area by the Coupeville pier, both morning and evening. It was definitely pretty, but I would not say that it was an easy place…

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  • Portugal a Posteriori

    Portugal a Posteriori

    Well, this is the twelfth and final post about my trip to Portugal’s Silver Coast. I figured that this was a good chance to sneak in a few pictures that I didn’t have space for the last few weeks. The first three are all architectural images using the PC Nikkor 19mm f/4E ED wide-angle tilt-shift…

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  • A Day in Óbidos

    A Day in Óbidos

    Well, a little over four hours, at any rate. The walled city of Óbidos is definitely the sort of place that I enjoy taking pictures! With the narrow cobbled streets and the suffering paint on the walls, there was an abundance of subject matter that appealed to me. The heavily-overgrown vines in the image above…

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  • Sea Stacks Aplenty

    Sea Stacks Aplenty

    This week we feature images from a few more locations along the beautiful coastline of Portugal. The Atlantic ocean ruthlessly pounds the cliffs; for a time, sea stacks like the one above endure, but eventually they will succumb like untold others before them. As mentioned in previous posts, I can only imagine the violent scene…

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  • Stratigraphic Seascapes

    Stratigraphic Seascapes

    In addition to lots of beaches, Portugal’s Silver Coast has amazing rocks and cliffs. There is great variety in the geology which makes for a great variety of photographic possibilities. The dramatic angled layers of rock in this location were particularly special, however, and they were such a group favorite that we returned a few…

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