Genre: Grand Landscapes

  • Pink over Pawnee

    Pink over Pawnee

    Last weekend I was rather dismayed when I saw a picture of saguaros silhouetted against a magenta aurora sky; after 29 years of living in an auroraless Arizona, I had some serious image envy. Not only that, but I hadn’t made any effort to go look for the aurora in Colorado, where it would have…

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  • Cliffs and Monoliths

    Cliffs and Monoliths

    About a year after our trip to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, we drove through western Colorado after dropping our daughter off at the University of Wyoming for her freshman year. One of places we explored was Colorado National Monument next to Grand Junction, Colorado. The pictures above and below give a good indication…

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  • Facing the Abyss

    Facing the Abyss

    Recently a friend asked about things to photograph in western Colorado this coming June. I decided that the easiest thing to do was write a couple blogs on the area, although I have to reach pretty far back in the archives to do so. This week we are going back to October 2016, although most…

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  • 1,001 Tumamoc Nights

    1,001 Tumamoc Nights

    Although this post is scheduled to publish five days after the solar eclipse, that is still two days in the future as I write this. But keeping with the theme of astronomical events, I thought I would lead off this post with an image from the supermoon lunar eclipse—a so-called “blood moon”—of 27 September 2015.…

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  • Blossom Road Reclamation

    Blossom Road Reclamation

    Every so often I undertake what I like to call a “reclamation project”. These result from not doing a good job of things in the field. They start when you are looking at your image catalog in Lightroom and you say, “I wish I had…” It has been a over a year since my trip…

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  • Bright Angel of Death

    Bright Angel of Death

    Despite the fact that I lived in Arizona for 29 years, I have only been to the Grand Canyon three or four times. In my defense, it is about a six-and-a-half hour drive to get there from Tucson. In many ways, the Grand Canyon is a difficult place to photograph just because it is so…

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  • Sea Stacks Aplenty

    Sea Stacks Aplenty

    This week we feature images from a few more locations along the beautiful coastline of Portugal. The Atlantic ocean ruthlessly pounds the cliffs; for a time, sea stacks like the one above endure, but eventually they will succumb like untold others before them. As mentioned in previous posts, I can only imagine the violent scene…

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  • Nazaré Beaches

    Nazaré Beaches

    As promised, this week our blog is back at the beach. The first series of five photographs are from around sunset at the same beach as the giant waves, just taken from down on the sand rather than from up on the cliffs. It was overcast and the light was fading, so the images as…

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  • Scenic Antelope Island

    Scenic Antelope Island

    A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to take a short business trip to Utah. As it happens, a long-time friend and former coworker recently moved from Tucson, Arizona to a little north of Salt Lake City. By taking a (very) late flight home, I reserved enough time for us to spend a few…

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  • I-70 Sans Silhouettes

    I-70 Sans Silhouettes

    Last week’s post was all about the roadside silhouettes that I photographed on my recent journey across Kansas and eastern Colorado. While the entire trip was under stormy skies, there were moments when the sunlight obliged by highlighting some interesting subjects through a gaps in the clouds. The image above is a nice example where…

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