Tag: Sunset

  • Sombrio Beach

    Sombrio Beach

    For the last two weeks I have been promising that the blog would go to the beach and here we are! Well…the image above doesn’t look like a beach, of course, but is right next to one: this is a petite little slot canyon carved into the beach’s cliff. (My wife reads this blog and…

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  • Stratigraphic Seascapes

    Stratigraphic Seascapes

    In addition to lots of beaches, Portugal’s Silver Coast has amazing rocks and cliffs. There is great variety in the geology which makes for a great variety of photographic possibilities. The dramatic angled layers of rock in this location were particularly special, however, and they were such a group favorite that we returned a few…

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  • Another Golden Day on the Silver Coast

    Another Golden Day on the Silver Coast

    Despite it being the back half of November, we were largely cursed with beautiful weather in Portugal. I say “cursed” because in most respects featureless blue skies are challenging to deal with as a landscape photographer. It is generally a lot easier to exploit a parade of interesting clouds that continually migrate across the sky.…

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  • Deception Pass

    Deception Pass

    One night during the Whidbey Island photography workshop, the informal plan was for us to go to Deception Pass to photograph the sunset. Fortunately, one of the attendees had a local photographer friend who knew exactly where to go, or I don’t think I would have ended up in the right spot. If you look…

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  • Sunset on Whidbey Island

    Sunset on Whidbey Island

    Last weekend I returned from a five-day photography workshop on Whidbey Island, Washington, which is in Puget Sound a little north of Seattle. The workshop was put on by the Pacific Northwest Art School in the town of Coupeville. For me the big draw was that Charlie Waite was the workshop leader; I had enjoyed…

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  • Winter Afternoons at Whitewater Draw

    Winter Afternoons at Whitewater Draw

    About 100 miles east of my former home in Tucson, Arizona, and well south of Interstate 10 is the Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, winter home to roughly 30,000 sandhill cranes. Interestingly, the number of sandhill cranes at the much more famous Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is only about 10,000, although the latter compensates…

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  • The Alhambra

    The Alhambra

    Our second full day of photography was spent at the Alhambra palaces. We started by spending about an hour at the palace of Carlos V with its beautiful two-level 360° arcade with colonnades. Fortunately it was partly cloudy, so there were some periods of harsh, direct sunlight and others of softer light—it is always nice…

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  • Fishy Windmills

    Fishy Windmills

    After last week’s post, I decided that I would do one last Santorini post to highlight the AF-S Fisheye Nikkor 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED. The picture above was admittedly the only one in my Santorini gallery images that featured the fisheye. However, there was no other way I could have made this image successful. The fisheye…

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  • Mixed Curses

    Mixed Curses

    One of the big draws of Santorini is the amazing sunsets. Every evening, throngs of tourists crowd every vantage point around Oía to watch the sunset from high above the water, and catamarans head out on to the water for unobstructed views. While I like the image above—it is very calm and peaceful—it is a…

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  • Peeks at Tower Peak

    Peeks at Tower Peak

    Last weekend I drove west over Gates Pass in the Tucson Mountains in the hope of finding an interesting location to photograph the sunset. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I was interested in photographing at sunset

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